Search 7617 Hindi Song Lyrics contains variety of hindi song lyrics which cover both English and Hindi Version of the film song lyrics. It is a song lyrics database where you can get all news and old hindi song lyrics from your favourite films and artist. Song lyrics are added based on user request and it is done within 48hours time frame. Our website team updates all new releases and old song lyrics in daily basis to keep the site updated with frensh contents. We try to keep the site 24*7 active and servers the public all over the globe and you can access our site from anywhere from the earth with just internet connection. We provide lyrics based on music directors list, singers list, actor/actress list, film sort and much more options to choose.

DMCA do not provide any mp3 audios of any movie songs files to download. We do not sell or monetize using audio/mp3 files of any songs which hold copyright. We simply provide the lyrics of any song for singing purpose/to learn hindi music and culture. If you feel like we breach your copyright policy or infringe your copyright material. Please contact us through email: [email protected]. Once we get any DMCA complaint regarding the LYRICS we have in our website, we take them down in 24 prior notice.