
About Hindi2Lyrics


Hindi2Lyrics.com is a dedicated hindi lyrics website for all hindi songs which might be latest hindi songs or old hindi songs. We created this page to provide a clear and a wide range of lyrics to the world without any other further charge to sing freely. Our page helps a lot of singers out there to understand the clear meaning of the lyrics and helps them to sing fluently without any errors in the lyrical words. We do provide lyrics in both hindi and english, which helps non english readers to understand the lyrics in local hindi language too. 


How frequently do we update lyrics?


Our lyrics updating procedure is regular, we keep updating new lyrics for all film songs. Once the target is achieved we move to update old and hit popular song lyrics from all years. There are more than 10 thousands songs to be updated in our lyrics page. Our song update frequently is in a daily mode, so you can keep track of all new lyrics.


What is our source for lyrics?


Our team listens to all lyrics manually and does the writing on their own, sometimes we miss a few words or misplace them, at that particular time we check the official lyrics from other sources to rectify the human error. If you believe we have mistakes in our lyrics, you can always report it to our team using this email : [email protected].


Can you contribute to our lyrics page?


We warmly accept all kinds of contributions. If you have lyrics which we never shared yet, please you can always submit those lyrics with the film name to our email : [email protected]. Once we receive any lyrics content, we will cross verify with the song lyrics and film name, then we will update the lyrics later in the coming days.